1. Search for a place Maps search enter
  2. Select it from the search options or results
  3. On the place details page, choose to save it to a list. Click on  Save Places
  4. In the dialogue box that opens, click the top right button to ‘Create List’

      5.Enter a name of your new list and click ‘Ok’


  1. Click on the side drawer Side Drawer Map
  2. Select ‘My Saves’
  3. Tap ‘CREATE LIST’ on the top right corner

      4.In the dialogue box that opens, click the top right button to ‘Create List’

5.Enter a name of your new list and click ‘Ok’


  1. Click on the side drawer Side Drawer Map
  2. Tap on your profile
  3. Tap ‘Saves’

4.Tap ‘CREATE LIST’ on the top right corner

      5.Enter a name of your new list and click ‘Ok’