1. Search for a place Maps search enter
  2. Select it from the search options or results
  3. On the place details page, choose to save it to a list. Click on  Save Places
  4. In the dialogue box that opens, click the top right “+” button to ‘Create List’
  5. Enter a name of your new list and click ‘Done’  




  1. Click on the side drawer Side Drawer Map
  2. Select ‘My Places’
  3. Tap “+” to  create list in the top right corner  
  4. In the dialogue box that opens, click the top right button to ‘Create List’  create list map
  5. Enter a name of your new list and click ‘Done’   






  1. Click on the side drawer Side Drawer Map
  2. Tap on your profile
  3. Tap ‘Places’  
  4. Tap “+” create list in the top right corner   
  5. Enter a name of your new list and click ‘Done’