How to Check In?

Select respective client on which you need to Check In. OR Using the Quick Search in Places section will allow you to search desired customer location. Tap the Check In option.   Location will get captured and sent to the server. Also, the option will change to Check Out.   What is Check Out? How […]

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What is Check In?

Check In will allow the executive to mark his visit at a customer location with time stamp and location details. On visiting a customer, the executive will have to Check In at that location. Time Stamp and Location will be captured.   How to Check In?

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How to add any Client Location?

Users can add any place (customer location) via Workmate. This feature allows the device user to create a customer’s location on the map. On visiting a dealer for the first time, the executive will tap on “<Add Client >” Users can select the customer location by using Map section. Post selection app will capture the […]

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How to update any Client Location?

Users can edit the details of a Client location via WorkMate.  Tap on “Client” option present on Home screen Quick link menu. 2. Select the Client which you want to edit. 3.Tap on the <pencil> icon to edit the details of the place. 4.Change the relevant details and tap on Update Client  

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What are Clients?

Clients are the customer locations which can be added via this feature. Clients in WorkMate will allow the user to see details related to a customer location. Tapping Clients, will navigate the user to a screen with a map and list view combined. Users can pan the map to check different places (customer locations) in […]

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How to End Workday?

Tap on End Workday button to end your day. {Application will show the distance between your work location and current location. This will provide you the insight of your location as compared to your Work location.}     2. App will return back to home screen and Conclude Work button will change into Start Work […]

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What is End Workday ?

This will mark the end of workday for the user. Time stamp and location would be captured from the mobile device and sent to the server. Post usage of this functionality application will stop sending any data to the server until “Start Workday” is used again.   How to Conclude Work?

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How to Start Workday?

Tap on Start Workday button to start your day.   Application will show the displacement between your work location and current location. This will provide you the insight of your location as compared to your Work location.   2. Tap Start Workday. {App will return back to home screen and Start Work button will change […]

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